Financial Services

Our team brings a multidisciplinary approach in advising sophisticated financial clients on M&A, equity and debt financing, and structured finance solutions. Our in-depth knowledge of the regulatory landscape and requirements enable us to diligently manage closing and post-closing risk.

Representative sector experience and coverage include:

  • Asset Managers
  • Banks & Thrifts
  • Consumer Finance
  • FinTech
  • Insurance
  • Mortgage Services
  • Payment Processing
  • Specialty Finance

These examples from B. Riley Securities, inclusive of legacy FocalPoint Partners, are provided for illustrative purposes only and there are no guarantees that any of the strategies or offering types cited will be successful in the future. Each offering type is highly dependent on a variety of factors including, but not limited to: the type of offering; the manner in which the transaction is marketed; the sector into which the underlying company belongs; the depth and breadth the market or market sector, the offering price and general financial conditions. Information provided does not represent a recommendation, solicitation or offer to buy or sell any security.