Damages & Expert Witness Services

We have quantified damages for a variety of disputed matters including:

  • Breach of Contract

  • Class actions

  • Audit negligence

  • Joint venture disputes

  • Shareholder disputes

  • Business interruption

  • Construction disputes

  • Contract termination

  • Healthcare negligence

  • Healthcare fraud

  • Labor & Employment

  • Earnout disputes

  • Failed acquisitions

  • Intellectual property disputes, including patent, copyright, trademark and trade secret litigation

Our approach is based on thorough economic and financial analyses combined with our practical experience preparing comprehensive damages analysis. We have established a reputation for communicating complex damages analysis in a manner that is easily understood, concise and representative of the events.

Our team has represented both plaintiffs and defendants in the role as Consulting Experts and/or Testifying Experts. We develop sound and defensible opinions based on a comprehensive analysis of the investigative and economic issues.

We have dozens of qualified expert witnesses with years of experience testifying in depositions and at trials in state and federal courts as well as arbitration. Our experience combined with our professional qualifications make us highly qualified to testify as an expert witness on various areas of expertise including damages, valuations, ability to pay, accounting, and finance, among others. The ability to communicate detailed, high-level information to a jury and other trier of fact is critical to a successful outcome. Our experts possess excellent communication and courtroom skills and are well-prepared to serve as independent, credible and persuasive expert witnesses.