B. Riley Financial, Inc. (Nasdaq: RILY) is pleased to announce its second quarter 2024 league table rankings for bankruptcy cases and out-of-court restructuring from The Deal, a leading news and information platform for dealmakers.
Out-of-Court Restructuring League Tables Q2 2024
Advisers on transactions between July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024; Ranked by number of transactions
Restructuring Advisers to Distressed Companies
# 11 B. Riley Advisory Services
Financial Advisers to Distressed Companies
# 18 B. Riley Securities Inc.
The Deal's Out-of-Court Restructuring League Tables ranked advisers to distressed companies experiencing financial restructuring ongoing or completed in the last rolling 12 months. In the event of a tie, the final ranking is determined by alphabetical order.
Bankruptcy League Tables Q2 2024
Advisers on transactions filed between July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024; Ranked by dollar volume
Bankruptcy Restructuring Advisers
#17 B. Riley Advisory Services
Bankruptcy Financial Advisers
#26 B. Riley Securities Inc.
The Deal's Bankruptcy League Tables are comprised of advisory assignments on business petitions with liabilities of at least $25 million, filed in U.S. courts. In the event of a tie, the final ranking is determined by alphabetical order.
Read more about B. Riley Securities' restructuring consulting and investment banking capabilities.